Falling delivery forecasts, plant closures, price wars: the clouds are gathering over the automotive sector. With bad news multiplying, carmakers are going through a particularly difficult period, marked by a fall in production forecasts and major industrial restructuring. Against a backdrop of price wars, exacerbated in particular by the onslaught of Chinese manufacturers and inflationary pressures, traditional players are struggling to maintain their margins and competitiveness.
On the financial markets, the automotive sector is undergoing a severe correction, reflecting growing investor concerns. Plant closures and falling sales in several key regions are raising questions about the viability of current business models. So, what are the short-term risks for investors? Tensions over raw materials, exchange rate fluctuations and the evolution of global demand are all factors likely to further affect the financial results of companies in the sector.
Laurent Grassin, Editorial Director of Boursorama, delivers his detailed analysis in the Ecorama program, presented by David Jacquot on Boursorama.com, on September 17, 2024. It’s an indispensable insight into the current and future challenges facing the automotive market.