Since its creation in 2013, the SAND agency has set up a laboratory to monitor and track asset management companies’ communication tools on the internet. In the past, this constant monitoring has given rise to several studies on the subject, which have led to a number of assessments.
At a time when the evolution of sanitary measures is having a major impact on commercial relations, management company websites are more than ever the company’s showcase.
We thought it appropriate to take stock of the situation.
Sophie ROGER, founder of the SAND agency.
This year, the SAND agency once again audited the websites* of the 653 management companies listed in the AMF’s GECO database, and subjected them to a number of ratings:
- Agence SAND rating
- A Woorank© rating
- A PageSpeed Insights© rating
These ratings enabled us to draw up a list of the 15 sites with the best average of the three ratings , and to award the top 5 the Web d’or de l’Asset Management. We have also created two sub-categories:
- The agency’s “favorites”: the 3 sites we felt were the boldest and most innovative. Our favorites.
- The “eco-friendly sites”: of the 15 sites in the ranking, the 3 with the lowest carbon footprint.
Agence SAND will unveil the winners of the first Web d’or de l’Asset Management awards and its methodology on its website, on Thursday October 22 at 4:00 pm. Press contact:
Agence SAND
09 53 56 00 00
*For obvious reasons of impartiality, sites designed by the SAND agency have not been included in these rankings.