In these complicated times, as we celebrate 7 years in business, and because the number seven brings good luck, we’d like to thank all our customers and partners who have supported us and placed their trust in us since the start of this adventure.
- 2AM
- Actis AM
- Actis Patrimoine
- Allure Finance
- Amiral Gestion
- ArchiMed Group
- C&M Finances
- CGP Entrepreneur
- Club Patrimoine
- Delta AM
- Dom Finance
- Equigest AM
- FAA Conseil
- Financière Galilée
- FundsWatch
- Finarena Gestion Privée
- GSD Gestion
- Gemway Assets
- Hekla Finances
- GI Forum
- JMD & Associés
- Jouffroy Finance
- Labrador
- La Financière Responsable
- La Financière de l’Europe
- Longchamp AM
- Mandarine Gestion
- Portzamparc Gestion
- Prevaal Finance
- SG Prévoir
- Sunergia
- Trecento AM
- TwentyFirst Capital
- Varenne Capital Partners